The property is situated on the east side of the High Street in the centre of the town of Burnham, 100 m or so south of its junction with Jennery Lane and its public car park. No 32 is an attractive period building on the sunny side of the street, next to the driveway to Ye Olde Swan pub. Burnham is a small market town between Slough and Beaconsfield with a weekly market.
The property comprises a period 2 storey, mixed use premises. A rear paved and landscaped yard is shared between the shop and the office, as are WCs and a kitchen. Access to the flat is central, between the office and shop doors.
Approx. net areas:
Retail: 28.9 m2 (311 ft2) NIA overall, (268 units ITZA)
Office: 30.9 m2 (332 ft2) NIA
Retail Store: 49.4 m2 (510 ft2) NIA
Yard Store: 5.3 m2 (58 ft2) NIA
Flat: In all, circa 60 m2 (645 ft2) GIA incl. kitchen, bathroom, andand first floor circulation space; laid out as 3 rooms, K & B.
The shop is let to Horizons Kitchen & Bathrooms Ltd with a guarantor on a 10-year lease expiring 2/10/2024, at £11,000 p.a.x. They also have a lease on the retail store for 5 years from 26/6/15 and are holding over paying £6,000 p.a.x. The office suite and flat are currently vacant. Terms have been provisionally agreed to let the shop, office and store to Horizons on a new 5-year lease at £24,500 p.a.x. Previously the flat was let at £12,600 p.a. which suggests that, when fully let, the property could produce £37,100 p.a.
We are seeking offers in excess of £550,000 for the freehold interest in the building. otherwise, rents or prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. For further details, please call Philip Marsh on 01494 683642 or e-mail