The following Consultancy Services are offered:

  • Appraisal of current Business Rate liabilities with a view to minimising Client outgoings through various avenues including lodging appeals, applying for reliefs and checking effective dates for charging.
  • Reviewing the configuration of the property and whether it should be split or merged with other premises in the same ownership/ occupation.
  • Considering the application of Empty Rates and applying the best strategy to mitigate these charges.
  • Monitoring Rate Demands and checking the Billing Authority calculations.
  • Forecasting future liabilities for budgeting purposes and providing estimates of rate charges following additions, demolitions and other alterations.
  • Advising on changes in legislation impacting on current and future exposure to Business Rates.

Head of Department: Michael John Owen BSc MRICS IRRV: Direct 01494 681010, email:

Beaconsfield switchboard: 01494 680000